Dealmoon is a global shopping advisory site with a proprietary social community for Chinese expats. Our core demographic is Chinese millennials and Gen-Zers, most who are coming to a new country for University or Grad school. We reach over 26M consumers through Dealmoon's website, app and via Weibo & WeChat. We work with over 3,000 of the world's biggest brands from Apple to Dior. Are you ready to discover great products and services to help people live better? If so, join us!
This is a Hybrid mode right now, with the need to be on-site 2 to 3+ days a week. Dealmoon has implemented recommended health guidelines, including social distancing measures.
Job Responsibilities:
- Introduce the products of Fashion, highlights the discounts and good deals to raise the interests of the readers
- Share the ideas to the readers about the promotions and must familiar with the Chic or hot products
- Positive & imaginative thinking, build smooth connections with current hot topics with the products
- Compile various articles on breaking news, hot topics, events, products and merchandise
- Work closely with the team to achieve operational goals
Job Requirement
- Bachelor's degree or above in any major preferred
- Strong textual ability to integrate information from different sources and write articles that match readers' reading preferences.
- High interests in Fashion Industry
- Extremely familiar with the Fashion products and Trends
- Frequently get information from Weibo, Instagram and Fashion related platforms
- Strong learning and innovation ability, good communication and coordinating skills, follow instructions and company policies all while possessing a strong spirit of teamwork.
- More than 1 year of media experience publishing content on any media experience is preferred, and text editorial experience is preferred.
- Able to read and write Chinese and English.
兴趣与工作结合才是最理想的职业!北美省钱快报多伦多/ 达拉斯正在招募时尚编辑。目前开放编辑职位。等待文字功底强,对于时尚有热诚的各位快快把简历砸过来。
工作地点:North York, ON /Richardson, TX
- 折扣内容挖掘以及产出:针对不同商家的促销活动进行时尚产品介绍,重点突出折扣内容和折扣力度,并强调商品特点;负责信息采集和内容编辑等工作,并且遵守公司运营规范下有针对性的突出折扣亮点以及商品特点;有折扣挖掘能力,对于价格或产品特点敏锐。
- 活动策划和推广:有创意有想法,能分析商家促销手段并且给出个人建议;能结合时下新闻热点,活动与事件对商品进行策划和推广;负责时尚折扣多平台多渠道的推广。
- 数据分析:有基础的Excel操作能力和数据分析能力。同时与团队紧密合作,跨部门的有效沟通,对达成运营目标。
- 本科或以上学历优先
- 较好的中、英文对话和读写能力优先
- 热爱时尚行业,有日常浏览社交媒体的习惯,关注微博种草博主,IG 油管美妆、时尚等方面内容;了解时尚相关店铺的折扣率及热门品牌,热爱找折扣.
- 文字功底强,有文案编写能力,对工作有责任心.
- 有上进心和责任心,性格开朗活泼,善于沟通,执行力强.
- 快速高效处理工作,Multitasking的处理以及应变能力强,有较好的时间管理能力.
- 反应快、学习能力强,有一定的抗压能力.
- 如有一年以上相关时尚编辑经验为佳。